Review Notes Realism


Skeleton Notes using 2-Column Format (“T” notes)


Time Period



Reaction against the vagueness of Romantic Art


Artists believed that art should represent ordinary people and activities, such as peasants, working class (genre paintings)


Art  should be only what can be seen or touched

Gustave Courbet (Core-BAY)

“Father of the Realist Movement”


Built his own exhibition hall (a shed) called the “Pavilion of Realism”—the first one man show

“The Stone Breakers,” 1849


Formerly in Dresden, present whereabouts unknown; possibly destroyed in WW II

Impasto (Im-PAHST-oh)

Thickly applied paint, applied with a palette knife

Jean Francois MILLET (Mil-LAY)


a member of “The Barbizon School”

The Barbizon School  Painted outdoors (en plein air) near the town of Barbizon  
“The Gleaners,” 1857  

From a Bible story:  you leave some of the harvest for the poor to gather

NO “technology” 


Invented by the Egyptians

Used for sketches until mid-19th century  

American Realism:  Winslow HOMER

FIRST to display watercolor as a finished artwork


 Illustrator during Civil War
 “Man against the elements”
Thomas EAKINS (A-kins)First concern was to “get the anatomy right” 
 Learned to use chiaroscuro to make figures solid, lifelike 
 a pioneer in photography
“The Gross Clinic,” 1875A relative was required to be at surgical procedures by law as a witness

Became Director of Pennsylvania Academy; required his students to draw nudes from life (co-ed classes) & do dissections

Had a male model in a woman’s art class; was fired for breach of propriety

Ahead of his time; encouraged blacks/women to study art; Henry O. TANNER was his student

Henry O. TANNERWent to the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in 1879
“The Banjo Lesson,” 1883Banjo had become a symbol of derision (making fun of something) and stereotype; this painting fought against this cliché
 Showed love between grandfather and grandson